Jesus never asked us to do something He hasn’t done.
His command to us to forgive one another comes not in word, but in action. He accepted suffering and death by crucifixion rather than let us remain unforgiving.
Even so, forgiveness remains difficult. We find ourselves offering superficial words of reconciliation to those who has wronged us. Yet, harboring the hurt for years, if not decades, afterward. We obligingly forgive others their minor blunders and petty offences against us, but draw the line at the big things – willful cruelty, adultery, betrayal, demeaning remarks, scorn and prejudice. We easily forget that Jesus died for all offences, big and little. All sins fall under the cross of forgiveness.
Today, examine your heart. Perhaps you have never really forgiven someone whose words or actions have hurt you to the core. Perhaps, you balk at forgiving someone whose recklessness has turned your life upside down. Perhaps you have let a friend know how much he or she has hurt you; but never followed your candor with words of
Reconciliation. Or perhaps, you have yet to forgive yourself for a sin of commission or omission, and the guilt shadows thoughts.
Nothing that will come to your mind falls beyond the cross of Christ. As you consider these things, do what Jesus has done for you – forgive. Forgive.
How Do You Continue to Forgive?
Draw near to God – James 4:8
Be a confident Christian – Philippians 4:13
Reach forward – Philippians 3:13
Realize you are a conqueror – Romans 8:37
Understand God’s Grace – Acts 4:33; 2 Corinthians 12:9
Realize it’s not about what you can do – Psalms 71:16
Walk in peace – John 14:27
Strive to increase in love – 1 Thessalonians 3:12
Strive to please God – Hebrews 11:5; 13:21
Plead for direction and instructions – Psalms 25:4-5
Stay under God’s wing – Psalms 91:1
Keep an attitude of praise, worship and thanksgiving – Psalms 148:13
God Bless You
Pastor E. Ann Scott