Jesus Is Coming!!!!!!!
Hurricanes, Tornadoes, Earthquakes, Tsunamis.
Ice Slides, Mudslides, Fires and Floods.
Right called wrong and Wrong called right.
Hearts have grown cold and are as black as the night.
Murders in the streets no regard for human life.
Mother’s against daughters. Fathers against sons.
Where is the respect Of the children for their love ones…
Wars and rumors of wars all over this land.
The wicked lie upon their beds devising evil plans.
Gunshots and bombings are sounding all around.
While souls are crying out is there a God to be found?
No man knows the day nor the hours that the Son of man shall appear,
But I Am The Way The Truth The Life says,
“When you see these things happenings don’t you dare fear.
But be ever so ready for your Redemption Draws Near!!!”
by Sheila Marsh